Monday, November 5, 2007

HW 28: Open Letter to Riverbend

Dear Riverbend,
First of all, I love the humor in your blog. It makes your blog more fluffy and light and makes such a terrible subject easier to read. I cannot even begin to imagine was life is like over in Baghdad and I can imagine humor is a way of getting away from it all. Your blog is great, very interesting to read, though somewhat hard to relate to, I am learning a lot.
From all the information you shared in your blog from pages 7 to 42 the worst I read was of course people dying for no reason. It is hard to imagine innocent people get frisked, and their hoses raided for no reason. The news on Henna Aziz being assassinated in front of her family is absolutely devastating. It is so unfair. I can’t imagine living in an area where innocent people are just taken away from their families so cruelly and abruptly.
Your list of reasons why at one point you hated the American Troops is completely understandable. They are reasonable and I don’t blame you for hating them at some points, especially for invading on unsuspicious people driving and looking through their bags and frisking them.
I think it is so unfair that you can’t go outside without “bodyguards” and you have to wear skirts to look less suspicious, which I don’t really understand. I never realized how much freedom women had in Baghdad, and it must be terrible to get that taken away. Not being able to work or just go outside and take a walk is awful. The fact that young children are being taken out of school is ridiculous and unfair, and that alone should not be allowed. I think you are a very strong girl and I have so much respect for you and the life you are leading.

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