Wednesday, September 26, 2007

HW 13: Blogs Will Change the World

After reading the chapter Blog Will Change Your Business in Kline and Burstein’s “Blog! How the Newest Media Revolution is Changing Politics, Business, and Culture I’ve found it’s hard to decide what is more important: The impact of blogging on business or communication that is not profit related. I’ve come to decide though that the impact of blogging on communication is more important. I used to think that blogging was just a place where teenagers wrote a journal. I didn’t realize that it helped businesses grow and people communicate world wide. But in recent years it’s said that “blogs are what’s causing the Web to grow,” says Jason Goldman, (Kline & Burstein 228). This suggests that without blogs used as a way of communicating world wide there would be no blogs for businesses. Blogs started as a way of communication and soon businesses caught on, started blogging, and to their astonishment helped their businesses grow. These conclusions of blogging being important for communication will have significant applications in the making of more blogs and being able to make the community of blogging even bigger. It’s only quite recently that I’ve learned how huge blogging really is and it’s not just a place where teenagers write about their everyday lives. It’s helping people communicate world wide and everyday thousands more people join the blogging world.

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